
Festival of Frugality #125 – Save Some Money If You Are Rich Edition

Welcome to the 125th Festival of Frugality!

We have lots of good posts for you today and we’ll also learn how to save money on some higher-end items – because rich people like to save money too! Make sure you submit another post for next week because my friend Mike, The Financial Blogger is hosting.
photo by ArchanaRCars can be very expensive, especially this Lamborghini. I keep seeing a nice black Ferrari that looks like the batmobile driving down my street which is very odd considering it’s probably worth more than most the homes in the area. If I owned a car like that I would save money by washing it myself. I would use the $500/year or so savings and apply it to about two weeks worth of insurance.

Best car washers (editor’s picks)

photo by Lost ConnectionOne of the trappings of the extremely wealthy is that they are not restricted to living in one measly house and maybe a crap shack in the country. No, the mega-rich can buy whatever they want, wherever they want. My suggestion for them however is that they try to buy a cottage that is not too far from where they live in order to save gas. Sure it’s nice to have a cottage in France or on the opposite coast, but gas isn’t getting any cheaper!

Best gas jockeys

Hired help – we all know how expensive it is to have a full complement of hired help these days, gardener, nanny, cook, butler etc. My suggestion here is to try to hire people who can do more than one job. A cook doesn’t need to be cooking all day so maybe he can cook part time and work in the garden or clean the house for the remainder of the work day.

Best French maids

photo by ulterior epicureIf you are entertaining guests on a regular basis then you have probably noticed how the costs of caviar has gone through the roof. For your next get-together, try doing a quick estimate of how many guests you will have, multiply by a reasonable serving per person and only order enough so that you won’t have to throw out thousands of dollars of fish eggs like your last several parties.

Tastiest appetizers

47 replies on “Festival of Frugality #125 – Save Some Money If You Are Rich Edition”

Thanks for hosting a great festival and the honor of being en editor’s pick! I wish I could afford the tires on that Lamborghini!

Thanks Mike! Never been an editor’s pick before, I appreciate it!

And I seriously LOLed that you said crapshack! πŸ™‚

Thanks for putting this together, it looks great!

[…] The 125th Festival of Frugality is up at Quest for Four Pillars! My post Why I Like Being Frugal was included as an Editor’s Pick! Thanks, Mike! I enjoyed reading over the festival and want to share Frugal Dad’s 5 Craziest Things I’ve Done To Save Money and Frugal or Cheap Test from Moolanomy. […]

Great theme and thanks for including my post on “frugal ways to keep your home safe” as one of your editors picks.

Always enjoy reading your blog and will put it on my blogroll.

[…] article, Cinco de Mayo, Celebration and Bar Tabs, was listed in the Festival of Frugality #125 – Save Some Money If You Are Rich Edition. This edition of the Festival has a tongue-in-cheek theme where some of the ways that rich people […]

[…] Festival of Frugality #125 – Save Some Money If You Are Rich Edition My post on why maybe American kids AREN’T so stupid about personal finance was an editor’s pick over at Quest For Four Pillars. American kids everywhere are rejoicing in the Canadian validation! […]

[…] – Get Rich Slowly and the Consumerist point out this news article about Coupon Chrissy and how she saves amazing amounts of money by smart use of coupons. Being Frugal also takes a look at some coupons for the summer, the Simple Dollar lists Sixteen Hardcore Tactics for Minimizing Your Monthly Bills, and My Money Blog looks at Small Rewards Programs For Grocery Shopping. For more frugal tips check out the latest collection of frugal articles at Quest for Four Pillars. […]

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