
Valentine’s Day Book Deals and Linkstuff

Hope everyone is having a good Valentine’s Day and Family Day (in Ontario) weekend.  I’m visiting family and it’s going quite well (so far, but it’s early).

Mr. Cheap has a huge book deal – and not just any book deal. Harlequin romance!  I’ve always gotten really annoyed with Mr. Cheap when we get together and he always wants to talk about the latest Harlequin romance novel he has just read, but now I am starting to understand where he is coming from.  Kudos, Mr. Cheap….kudos.

Some Fave Links For The Week

Foodies Across Borders (an excellent food blog) wrote about a super simple peppercorn chicken pasta.  It looked so good that I emailed it to my wife (my way of hinting) and we ate it for dinner that night.  It was awesome and easy to prepare.  She added some green onion but otherwise followed the recipe.

Kyle from Amateur Asset Allocator wrote a great review of “4-hour workweek” by Tim Ferriss.  I haven’t read this book since I thought the idea of a 4 hour work week was ridiculous, especially when written by a guy who spends about 90 hours a week talking about how he only works 4 hours a week.  After reading this review I might just read it.

One of the funniest guys on the internet (Len Penzo)  wrote about how much a longer commute is worth in terms of extra salary.  I love my short commute and it would take a lot for me to agree to a long commute.

Canadian Capitalist wrote about the whole MLS, real estate anti-competition thing this week.  I’m cautiously hopeful that this will result in a better real estate environment by the time I sell my house in 45 years.

Financial Blogger says that the jig is up for Canadian income trusts.  It’s about time – I’m sick of hearing about how idiotic investors depend on an investment that gives them back lots of their own money on a regular basis.  You can do this yourself.  In fact, give me your money and for a small fee, I’ll give it back to you in whatever size “dividends” that you desire.

Some other pretty good links

The Oblivious Investor had a guest post asking Is Private Education a Good Investment? I’m not a big believer in the whole “good school” thing so you can probably guess which side I’m on.

Million Dollar Journey aka Kathryn had some frugal Valentine’s Day suggestions which are worth checking out.

Preet had some interesting thoughts about investing home bias.  It’s hard to believe that Canada is only 3% of world equity markets.  I guess currency is one reason to be overweight in your own country’s equity markets?

Money Matters talks about non-financial considerations when thinking about selling your home.

Some American tax articles

PT Money went on a guest post frenzy this week – he wrote about:

Debt Free Adventure has determined 11 of the most commonly missed tax deductions.

Moolanomy compiled a pretty good list of American tax articles which feature tax tips for 2009 Tax Year.


Fun Tax Facts – Carnival of Personal Finance #242

Festival of Frugality #215 « Pragmatic Environmentalism

Tax Carnival #64: Groundhog Day – Don’t Mess With Taxes

Money Hacks Carnival #102: Build a New Blog Edition | Passive Income Now

Should You Prepare Your Tax Return By Hand Or Use Tax Software?

5 replies on “Valentine’s Day Book Deals and Linkstuff”

You’ll love 4HWW. There are parts where Tim is a bit full of himself, but it’s sure to inspire you to make the most of your time. I listened to the book on mp3 and breezed through it quickly.

Thanks for the shout out. 🙂

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